The programs are designed to be organic in structure so that each client can have a customized program that benefits them the most.
All sessions can be virtual with the exception of QHHT Past Life Regression.

Intuitive Spiritual Mentoring
I work with guidance using my gifts to help guide the client to a better state of being. This program is for anyone that wants to create a better understanding of why they are where they are in life. You will be taught specific tools that will help you in everyday situations that you feel are difficult for you to navigate. Guidance provides information that is specific to the client in that moment which will elevate them on their trajectory through life. The perspective shifts are subtle but significant and facilitates in spiritual soul growth. This program is an energy mover, expect change to happen. The examples of who will benefit from this program would be anyone that wants to create personal change:
Manage stress
Balance your energy
Create boundaries
Goal setting and getting a plan around the goal so that you have a clear path to follow for your success.
You feel like something is missing in your life but your not sure what it is – you just want more.
Discuss soul lessons and how to break negative repeating patterns.
Become more aware of your own spiritual gifts.
Simplify how to attract and maintain relationships; dating, family, career or with friends.
Harness your strength.
Individual session $175
Package of 4 $680
Package of 6 $1,020
*All sessions can be done in person or over the phone. Each session is 1 hour.
Meditation is the foundation for all spiritual learning. Learn how to use mediation as a tool for enhanced daily living by bringing in divine energy and create or deepen your connection with your higher self so you can hear your own internal guidance. You will be given the concept for how to make it a part of your lifestyle; why you do it and when you should do it. During these 2 sessions you will learn about:
Clearing internal negative energy
The Chakra system and how it works for you and with you.
How to balance your chakras.
Removal of energetic colors that represent energy that isn’t yours.
How to raise your energetic vibration for spiritual growth and communication with your own divine guidance.
2 Sessions - $340
Meditation Sessions can be done in person or over the phone. Each session is 45 min to 1 hour.

Meet your Spirit Guide or Guardian Angel
Everyone has one main spirit guide that is with them through out their lifetime. During this session you will be visually guided to a meeting with your main guide. You will learn the name of your guide and receive a message.
1 session $175
In person session – 45 mins to 1 hour. Group rates available (2-8 people)
QHHT Past Life Regression
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
This is a very powerful and insightful gift to give to yourself! During this process you are visually guided into a deep state of hypnosis (Theta) where you will attain access to your higher self.
Your higher self picks the lifetime that you will observe for the most profound emotional healing and release. The past life shown is always relevant to the current life you are living now. From this you will gain a shift in your perspective as well as grow spiritually each time you listen to your recording of the session.
In person session - $700.00
A non-refundable deposit of $300.00 is required in order to secure your appointment time. Once sessions begin, deposit is non-refundable.
In person session – duration is 4-6 hours. The session is recorded so you can listen to it as many times as your higher self dictates.

I use tuning forks in the 3-5 energy field that surrounds your body to locate and break up energy tangles that are sitting static in your field.
These energy tangles are energetic attractors. Once moved and reintroduced into your energy centers your energy attractors change. The sessions are cumulative and change can be felt as soon as the first session.
People who would benefit is anyone that has stress in their life or wants to move away from traumatic life events. It is also used to eliminate old attractor energy for finding a new relationship and eliminate stagnant energy in a career.
Single session: $175
Package of 3: $480